1st -3rd Grade Curriculum

ELA– Open Court
Math– Saxon
Bible– Veritas Bible Program
Science– Purposeful Design
History – Beautiful Feet
MLCS primary grade programs lays a beautiful academic foundation for the children while maintaining a Christ-centered focus. First grade students will experience a year filled with Bible stories, prayer, and scripture memorization, while being strengthened in phonemic awareness, blending, decoding skills, and comprehension strategies to enable each of them to read at or above grade level by the end of the year. The second and third grades continue reinforcing strong decoding skills while developing understanding of morphology and grammar that give meaning to words. All students learn key strategies and skills to gain comprehension from all variety of text and use those same skills in the writing process. We know that early success in reading, writing, and mathematics opens the doors for children to excel throughout their academic career. Our math program is not based on common-core teaching, but rather on strong foundational skills for future mastery of arithmetic, geometry, measurement, time, money, graphing, and overall problem-solving skills. Our math program provides both hands-on conceptual teaching as well as pencil and paper practice. We promote the growth of the whole child by using a variety of special events and activities to provide students with new experiences. The children spend weekly time with a music teacher, art teacher, and p.e. coach. They also attend a weekly Chapel session to spend time in corporate worship and receive teaching from a speaker who is well-versed in the Bible. Our goal is for every child to love learning and know Jesus as their Savior. With the support of the parents, we rejoice in every victory for every child.

4th – 5th Grade Curriculum

ELA– Core Literature with Open Court Spelling, Grammar, & Writing
Math– Abeka
Bible– Veritas
Science– Purposeful Design
4th Grade History – Veritas History + California History
5th Grade History – Houghton Mifflin, “United States”

MLCS upper grade programs expand upon the foundational skills of the primary grades by maintaining effective instruction at word level with regards to spelling and morphology, while increasing the accuracy of grammar and mechanics throughout the writing process. Students

transition from using anthology stories to using core literature books that increase their familiarity with classical pieces as well as with historical fiction and non-fiction. Students delve into the components of excellent literature such as character development, climax, and resolution. They learn to identify literary devices such as foreshadowing, personification, and metaphors; then they are tasked using the devices in their own writing as they continue mastering the overall writing process. By the end of fifth grade students write essays to compare and contrast characters in novels and begin producing research reports.

Students in these grades learn keyboarding skills and begin to use google docs to maneuver through the writing and publishing processes. They are taught to support their answers with citations from text and are expected to maintain excellent spelling and mechanical skills in doing so.

Fourth grade students spend the year studying the Old Testament prophets and key events from Chronicles to Malachi, while the fifth graders learn about the life of Christ in the gospels. The scope and sequence of Bible instruction allows the children to gain both a broad overview of the Bible as well as a focused understanding of the gospel message.

Our science curriculum allows students to become excellent scientists with the mind of Christ. With hands-on experiments, videos, and expository texts, students’ study and learn concepts of biology, physics, and earth sciences. Our fifth graders join up with sixth grade every other year to also attend Outdoor Science Camp for a week of learning and devotions.

Our fourth graders spend the Fall studying world history from the Middle Ages through the Reformation, then jump into the study of California with the opportunity to attend 49er camp. Fifth graders learn about the history of the United States, enjoying opportunities to visit national parks and historical sites.

Both fourth and fifth graders participate in Beginning Band where they learn to play an instrument. They are instructed in musical theory and are expected to join the sixth through eighth grade students in the marching band in the Spring.

Our math program is not based on common-core teaching, but rather on skills needed to master arithmetic, geometry, measurement, time, money, graphing, and overall problem-solving skills. The Abeka math program is an outstanding complement to the Saxon program of the lower grades, offering more focused practice to solidify computation involving algebraic equations, fractions, decimals, percentages, and conversions needed for success in math and science at the high school level.

All students attend a weekly Chapel session to spend time in corporate worship and receive teaching from a speaker who is well-versed in the Bible. Our goal is for every child to love learning and know Jesus as their Savior. With the support of the parents, we rejoice in every victory for every child academically, socially, and spiritually.