6th & 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game
6th & 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game
6th & 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game at Jamestown Ele. 6th grade plays at 3:45p.m. and 7th grade at 4:45p.m.
6th & 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game at Jamestown Ele. 6th grade plays at 3:45p.m. and 7th grade at 4:45p.m.
6th & 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game at MLCS. 6th grade plays at 3:45p.m. and 7th grade at 4:45p.m.
The 8th grade Spanish class will be going on a field trip to The Taqueria to use the Spanish they have learned.
7th Grade Boys Basketball Game at Belleview Ele. Game starts at 3:45p.m.
6th and 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game at MLCS. 6th grade game starts at 3:45p.m. and 7th grade at 4:45p.m.
The Kinder will be going to Avalon to spread cheer to the patients , followed by a lunch in the park.
PTF meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2p.m. Get to know the school, other families and be a part of making a difference here at MLCS.
6th and 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game at Gold Rush. 6th grade game starts at 3:45p.m. and 7th grade at 4:45p.m.
6th and 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game at MLCS 6th grade game starts at 3:45p.m. and 7th grade at 4:45p.m.
Forms will be sent home for you to purchase your balloons! This event is for Preschool - 8th grades..... And we can always use parent helpers on this day.
6th and 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game at MLCS 6th grade game starts at 3:45p.m. and 7th grade at 4:45p.m.
6th and 7th Grade Boys Basketball Game @ Sonora Ele. 6th grade at 3:45p.m. and 7th grade at 4:45p.m.
Coaches will give information when it's available.
MLCS Annual Winter Jubilee 2/28 - 3/1 with Friday 2/28 an Early Release @ 11:30a.m. for K-8th . *** Free Admission *** […]