No School – Parent Teacher Conferences K-8th
Parent Teacher Conferences - No School K-8th grade Preschool regular day.
Parent Teacher Conferences - No School K-8th grade Preschool regular day.
Girl's Volleyball Postseason Tournament 4/24-4/28. Game schedule and place TBA
Girls VB - 6th 3:45pm, 7th 4:45pm & 8th 5:45pm MLCS @ Columbia Ele.
Girls VB 6th 3:34pm, 7th 4:45pm & 8th 5:45pm Curtis Creek @ MLCS
Fresno Zoo - info will go home with students.
All school Fresno Zoo Field Trip for K-8th grades. We will depart at 7:30am and return at approximately 4pm. We are so excited for this fun and educational trip.
Open House at 6pm
MLCS Board Meeting @4:30pm. Open Session 4:30pm-5:30pm. Followed by closed session meeting. Agendas are emailed before each meeting, and we welcome all visitors.