Maker's Market in the MLCS Gym to help support the 7th/8th DC Trip.
Maker's Market in the MLCS Gym come support the 7th/8th grade DC Trip.
The 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball Preseason Tournament will be held at MLCS. Admission - Adults $4, Seniors and students $2, veterans and children under 5 are Free. MLCS will play […]
The games will be held at Soulsbyville Elementary School . Admission - $4 adults, $2 for seniors and high school students. Veterans and children are free. Game Times are as […]
MLCS @ Tenaya 7th/8th only 3:45 start time.
Rapp's Run at Sonora Ele. 3:30pm
1st Trimester Progress Report Grading period ends for K-8th grades.
Soulsbyville @ MLCS 6th grade girls @ 3:45 and 7th/8th to follow