Girls Basketball
Sonora @ MLCS 6th grade at 3:45 and 7th/8th to follow
Sonora @ MLCS 6th grade at 3:45 and 7th/8th to follow
MLCS @ Summerville 6th grade at 3:45 and 7th/8th to follow
Twain Harte @ MLCS 7th/8th only 3:45 start time.
4th Grade to Big Trees - depart at 8:15 and return by 2pm
PTF will meet at 2pm in the Art Room. Hope to see you there.
MLCS @ Curtis Creek 6th grade at 3:45 with 7th/8th to follow
Cross Country Meet at Black Oak Pavilion in Tuolumne 3:30
Evans K/1st & Warfield - Field Trip to Blue Oaks Farms 10am - 1pm
Jamestown @ MLCS 6th grade at 3:45 and 7th/8th to follow
Girls Basketball Postseason Tournament - 10/16 - 10/20 more information TBA