Cross Country - MLCS Cougar Run @ Westside Pavilion 3:45p.m. start time.
1st Grade Field Trip to Covers - Learning about Apples, Animals and a Train Ride.
6th Grade Field Trip to Pinecrest for a Hike and team building fun!
The MLCS Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month in the Chapel. Open Session starts at 4:30p.m. Closed Session will start at approximately 5:30p.m. Everyone is encouraged to come, […]
Cross Country - Avery Middle School Run @ Avery, start time is 3:30p.m.
Picture retakes will begin at 8a.m.
4th Grade Field Trip to Calaveras Big Trees! A fun day of Earth Science learning.
Cross Country - Tuolumne County Meet @ Wildcat Ranch , start time 3:30p.m.
PTF Jog- A - Thon for Preschool and K - 8th grade. It is also an Early Release for K-8th grade at 11:30a.m More information to come!