4th Grade Field Trip
4th Grade Field Trip to Calaveras Big Trees! A fun day of Earth Science learning.
4th Grade Field Trip to Calaveras Big Trees! A fun day of Earth Science learning.
Cross Country - Tuolumne County Meet @ Wildcat Ranch , start time 3:30p.m.
PTF Jog- A - Thon for Preschool and K - 8th grade. It is also an Early Release for K-8th grade at 11:30a.m More information to come!
5th Grade Ships Trip - Information on exact times to meet will be sent home. Please contact Mrs. McDaniel with any questions. This is a wonderful learning adventure.
Kindergarten Field Trip to Indigeny - pumpkins and apple fun!
Cross Country - Black Creek Run @ Copperopolis , start time 3:30p.m.
Cross Country Tri-County Finals Meet @ Frogtown, start time at 2:30p.m.